Today was Joey Johnston's birthday party at V-land. Had so much fun with Joey and his friends.
I had to write stuff on the present i brought for Joey so i had my marker with me... not a great idea around these kids.
Time to cool down and hit the water!
when i got home, my right ankle was hurting and was wondering why... i think i know why now.
i forgot about it but Mahina was standing on my foot for a long time today. here's a proof!
All of these kids are water kids. they just don't care getting pounded.
so all the tourists who visit Hawaii, don't go out in the ocean thinking "oh look, can't be that bad if these little kids are ok".
Remember if the kid is 10, he's been in the ocean getting pounded for 9 years already. these kids are expert already at that age!

The waves picked up today and it was super fun!
Finn McGill, did you see him on NSSA at Sunset beach webisode? he's one crazy fearless kid!
Dax McGill, she is fearless too. she was sitting deeper than all the boys showing them how it's done!
2 fearless kids from the McGills... i wonder what they are feeding these kids. i need some so i can charge like like Dax and Finn.
Mahina Maeda, no, she's not my daughter. ha ha.
She's one super energetic girl. good thing she surfs and surfing everyday. if she didn't i don't think she can even sleep cuz she's just full of energy all the time.
Her surfing is becoming more mature, sometimes i forget she's only 12.
Moana Jones, she is the tiniest girl but can surf and surf well! She's always smiling or making faces at me while paddling out but as soon as she gets on a wave, she's serious. Moana will be dangerous in a few years. i can totally see her winning all the events in her divisions.
The birthday boy Joey Johnston!
What can i say abou this kid. he's just a fun loving kid. easy to get along with, huge smile on his face all the time, and just super positive.
He reminds me of me when i was a kid.
Joey and Mahina are pretty much brother and sister. they've known each other since they were in their dipers.
it's so funny to watch these two yelling at each other with lots of love like real siblings.
He loves getting barrel and good at it too.

We all had a great session thanks to the swell that showed up right on time for Joey's party!
Some after session modeling shots. they need more practice i think... ha ha.
after all this, we had a cake fight but i was too busy rubbing cake on Joey's face so no photos. I know Robert got some video of it so i'll post it once he edit the video!
thanks for a fun day everyone and Happy Birthday Joey!
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