He made to Quarter finals, so he got equal 5th in the world. That's an amazing accomplishment, good job Josh!
Josh had to go through a lot to get there. This past season, Quiksilver cancelled their King of the Groms Hawaii. They invited just hand full of groms to compete in Southern California. He was one of the invitee and had to surf crappy Goldenwest by Huntington Beach against tons of local groms there who know the waves there better than Josh and the rest of kids from Hawaii.
Josh killed it there and won that event.

In France, he didn't disappoint his families and friends who were watching the live webcast middle of the night.

Great job Josh! Hawaii is very proud of you!
I've known Japan gets good waves during hurricane season but check out this video. i didn't know it gets this good! look at how thick the waves are. No wonder why Japan got some great big wave surfers.
Thank you Toyo for sending me the link to this video.
Still got one more day to enter to win "No Dogs Allowed" shirt!
I'm making this one super easy to enter. all you have to do is email novusswell@gmail.com with "No Dogs Allowed" as the subject. that's it. Don't worry i won't sell, share or use your email address other than contacting you if you win.
make sure you use an email account where i can email you back when you win. i got 2 size L to give a way. so 2 winners will be picked this Thursday (tomorrow) at 10pm.
Good luck everyone!
I surfed town this evening and the waves were really good. 3ft Hawaiian, bigger on some sets, it was raining on and off but the condition was great and not many people out. Had so much fun! i forgot how fun it is to surf good decent size waves cuz i'm shooting when it's like that most of the time.
there are waves everywhere, so go surf!!
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