How were the waves? waves were good but still little inconsistant in the morning. i'm sure they are really good right now that i'm home. ha ha.
Derek and i got interviewed by StarAdvertiser so check out the little article they did.
Nice, they put Novus Swell in there for me. Free exposures are great specially on Hawaii's ONLY newspaper. ha ha.
Novus Swell's webisodes sponsor Aloha Army got a sick shirt coming out on Oct 1st.

How's that! It was inspired by an incident at Kewalos where the Dog disrespected locals, specially our good friend Travis.
They aren't just hating Dog for no reason...
"Dog made his money while exploiting and taking advantage of people and there families going through ruff and troubled times. That aint cool or thats what a lot of people that live in the islands think. Better you just go home cause you don’t share any sense of Aloha." - Aloha Army
AND they made a video for this special release!
visit to find out where you can get this must have shirt of the year!
ok, i better get back to work so i can shoot tomorrow!
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