Remember how my windshield's been cracked for a while? well, today was the last day to get it fixed before i get my safety check done.
I was looking for a place to get it done and totally forgot my friend Al owns a auto glass shop, so i called him up.
off comes my cracked windshield.
look how nice my new windshield looks!
ok Zeke, don't break this one now! ha ha.
i guess i should clean my car... the windshield looks super nice and everything else looks all dirty now. when i say dirty, i mean DIRTY to a point kids can tag names on in my car.
nice one Joy. next time, tag something other than your name so i won't know who's been messing around in my car! ha ha.
After getting the new windshield, it was time for me to get my safety check done. i always go to my buddy, Jun's shop. it's so nice to have a mechanic who i can trust. i do lot of stuff myself, but when i need help, i always go to him.
I met him surfing and i even bought my Surf Shuttle wagon from him too. just so you know, like i said, he's a surfer so don't expect him to be there when waves are good. ha ha.
I went to Kewalos to meet up with Sister (Kelia Moniz) at Kewalos after.
Yes, Sister. i know, i always have sunflower seeds in my car. ha ha.
Alisha Gonsalves stopped by too and look what happened to her truck!
She was in an accident this past weekend. i'm glad nothing happened to her. please be careful out there everyone!
it was so windy and the waves were crappy so i didn't even know Josh Moniz and Gen Asano were out there surfing.
oh and the ASP judge/shaper Makani stopped by too. (he's the one in the back with his arms up) i got to talk to him about shaping and judging for a while. thanks Makani! i learned a lot today.
I was hungry and the girls wanted to go shopping so Josh, Gen and I went to L&Ls while the girls shopped.
when the girls came back, they went straight into a Cold Stone. ha ha.
Look how happy they look!
I love Alisha cuz little stuff she does are so funny!
I think her fingers were full after this. ha ha.
i guess it's going to be windy again tomorrow... i need a new hobby so i have something to do!