woke up early (well, an hour after i was supposed to wake up...), picked up
alyssa and
sister and met up with derek, zeke, geoff, dana, jason (derek and geoff's cousin from cali) and tad (jason's friend) at koko head.
i don't know how i got convinced into hiking koko head... i don't like hiking at all, specially something this crazy.
at the bottom of the trail. left to right: derek, jason, zeke, geoff, dana, tad, alyssa, and sister

right after taking this photo some of the guys started running up the stairs. carzy kids!
sister and alyssa was behind me but all of the sudden they started running too!

jason, tad and i were way behind everyone but kept a steady pace. farther up this is what i saw. girls all tired resting. ha ha

derek was telling us how he used to run up and down this trail but what do you know, we caught up to him!

almost there...

jason, tad and i kept on going slow but steady and we were catching up to everyone. look we caught up to geoff and dana too!

well, almost everyone. zeke was gone! he just vanished up the stairs.
yes, end of the stairs! shiiiiit, zeke was just chilling there like it wasn't a big deal.

sister and alyssa told us earlier they were done and not coming up all the way. look, they changed there minds and came to the top! look how tired they look. ha ha. good job girls!

derek took us into a crazy cave/bunker thing. in to the dark...

inside was crazy! pitch dark and low roof tunnel leading to a huge open space. derek had a tiny flashlight and i was using my camera to get some light inside to make sure we don't hurt ourselves.
the tunnel...

alyssa was freaking out in there.

actually zeke was freaking out more than anyone else. ha ha

just in case we don't make it out, one last group shot...

light!! yes, we are gonna be okay.

after crazy tour of the bunker by our tour guide derek, we hiked up higher to the very top. man, the view was amazing up there. we can almost see the whole south and east sides of the island.

here's a proof i was actually up there with them and not just my camera.

girls were stoked they came up to the every top and not giving up.

derek and jason sitting on the edge. good thing they didn't fall...

time to head down. check out how far we have to go down. can't even see the end of it...

some of them just took off! my legs were shaking walking down the stairs. sister was one of the them who started running down. later she told us she couldn't stop once she started going. she fell once but nothing too crazy. good thing she didn't fall and started rolling down.

i was the last one down. everyone was just hanging out when i finally got to the car... ha ha. hey at least i completed the hike!

we were all sweaty and dirty so we headed over to china walls for a surf and lifestyle shots.

this is where things got really crazy! we got to the rocks by the water, derek jumped in to surf and we were all getting ready to jump in. that's when we noticed a guy throwing a rope in the water kindda far away from us yelling. at someone to grab onto the rope. i guess a guy who was fishing got swept into the water by a wave.
we told derek to go check and i started heading towards the guy with the rope and jumped in the water with my fins on.
by the time derek, another surfer and i got to the guy he was floating face down. i have no idea if he had any pulse but i know for sure he wasn't breathing. i started blowing into his mouth to get water out of his lungs while we swam towards the rocks.
someone tied a rope around the guy, timed the swell, got him on the rock as 3 of us pushed from the water, geoff grabbed the guy making sure the guy doesn't fall back in the water while everyone else pulled the rope. it was a team effort for sure cuz the rock was super slippery.
got the guy away from the water and geoff and dana started a CPR on him and never stopped until the paramedics showed up. man, geoff and dana are my heros.

the paramedics took him away as they continued CPR. i've heard he was pronounced dead at the hospital... fuck!! makes me think... what if we got there little bit sooner... what if i actually woke up on time... what if bunch of people who were just standing around watching and not doing shit actually helped out... he's someone's son, dad, brother, maybe even a grandfather...
i'm super proud of who i hangout with. except for a few other people coming to rescue, our group was the one stepped up and tried our best to help the guy.
it was a crazy day...