This weekend is Da Hui's Annual Beach Cleanup at Vland!
This event has been getting bigger and bigger every year. it's great cuz they not only clean one beach but clean the whole north shore beaches. after the cleanup, they always have tons of giveaways and games for kids.
here's the webisode from last year.
This year the event will be dedicated to Andy Irons. i remember seeing Andy at this events all the time. He was there setting good example to the kids and remember being super friendly to all the kids, talking with them and taking photos together.
I better see you all the kids there! it's a great thing for us surfers keep OUR beaches clean and who knows, you might win some great goodies too!
i saw this Lexus LS 600h L today in town. I must say this is one of few new cars i like.

if you know me, you know i only like 80's and early 90's cars, but this one... i like it.
it's a v8 hybrid and just everything about it so sick. i think it costs something like $110k+ tho. i guess i need to make some $$$ first. ha ha.
well, enough dreaming... back to work.
novus swell
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